Fear Takes You Down? Don’t Waste Your Mind and Energy. Instead, Overcome Fear, Full Of Opportunities to Reach Your Full Potential!

Fear Takes You Down? Don’t Waste Your Mind and Energy. Instead, Overcome Fear, Full Of Opportunities to Reach Your Full Potential!

By Dr. Joy Chacko | 06/24/2021

Chapter 1

Is there anybody in the world without fear? Do you know anyone who has reached his or her full potential? Do you know the majority of people die without even understanding what their full potential is? Indeed, many live without knowing or realizing their potentials. Consequently, they die without reaching their full potential. It may be shocking to know that a significant cause of this is due to fear. Unfortunately, the cost of fear is enormous. Think of the opportunity cost of fear that arises because people cannot reach their full potential. Think of the opportunity cost of fear that results from countries building armies and weapons from resources that could be used for personal development and feed the hunger. What is this fear that is costly and takes you down forever?

What is fear?

Fear is a human emotion – a high individual emotional response. It is a natural, primitive, but powerful effect. It comprises a universal biochemical response that alerts us to the presence of danger or the threat of harm, whether that danger is physical or psychological. The sad thing is that while fear sometimes arises from real threats, it can also occur from imagined dangers. Admittedly, fear can besides be a symptom of some mental health conditions, including panic disorder.

As fear is a natural phenomenon, it seems to hit us constantly as long as there’s life. The fear of the unknown discourages most people from taking concrete steps to try new things that will positively affect their lives. It prevents them from starting new things and prevents them from moving from mediocrity to a level of success. It affects the thinking abilities from turning to that level of unstoppable personal and professional growth. Though fear is admittedly not real, it becomes a reality when it is welcomed and entertained. True, fear is a costly visitor who ultimately becomes the landlord after a while. It spreads into an individual and takes charge till that individual grasps the reality of it. However, as long as the fear exists in you, achieving the best, surpassing the norms, and breaking the jinx of mediocrity and stagnancy might become a mirage.

The fear of leaping is one of those fears that only exist in your mind. Whatever danger and risk it appears to pose will never indeed come to fruition. It is, therefore, limiting your vision and hindering your success; instead of living the life you want, you become stuck and frustrated. Rather than improving and making growth, you stay where you are, and your light and passion fade over time.

Nobody denies that there are instances where a person knows the right thing to do, and he or she understands that the world is dynamic. Moreover, the need for intense, continuous professional growth and aggressive personal development is paramount. But, unfortunately, he or she will remain complacent and be sucked into his or her comfort zone because the monster called ‘fear’ resides in his system.

Fear makes a star or potential star become a person with a scar; it turns superstars or potential superstars into super fans. Fear makes a potential leader a perpetual follower or cheering leader for the rest of his or her life. Finally, fear makes a person who could have on play-making things happens, a spectator.

You need to be intelligent about the impact fear would provide you if you encourage fear inside you. While you suck in fear in this world, everyday superstars are made; you cannot sit and consistently watch this occur. Instead, you have to stand against fear, make things happen for you, and, thus, contribute to your community. Look around you; you will observe young folks defying all odds, smashing the glass ceiling, and achieving their dreams. They are learners of personal development. They overcome fear as they are determined to pursue their goals and objectives of what they what to accomplish. They give it all it takes by consistently developing themselves because instead of fear taking charge of their life,  they take control of their life. Indeed, instead of fear throw them under the bus, they defeated fear and learned how dangerous it could be if fear takes over the wheels of their life.

Studies reveal that billionaires and people who made exceptional success defined Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR). They understand that fear is not real, but its impacts are real and costly.

Unfortunately, fear has no good news for you, only bad news.

Indeed, fear is so powerful to hold an individual down perpetually!

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